GEM-2 Ski
The light-weight GEM-2 (3.6kg) can be used as a handheld or UAV sensor with the optional UAV Kit Package.

The hand-held GEM-3 uses the same electronics and firmware as our GEM-2 ski, so its features and options are comparable.

Cart - GEM-3R
The GEM-3 configuration which is the basis of our hand-held GEM-3 instruments can be scaled up for use on a pushcart.

GEM-3 Array
The GEM-3 configuration can be built as a GEM-3 array. The GEM-3 Array is a flat panel with a large transmitter coil along

GEM-5 Array
The hand-held GEM-3 uses the same electronics and firmware as our GEM-2 ski, so its features and options are comparable.

The GEM-2H is a higher power option with customer adjustable frequencies ranging from 30Hz to 96000Hz.

Our GEM-2, Gem-3 and GEM-3 Array products have often been adapted for use on robotic vehicles.

Shallow Water
Geophex has produced waterproofed versions of our GEM-2, Gem-3R or GEM-3 Array products for use in shallow

The GEM-2A is our standard airborne instrument. It is a programmable, broadband EM sensor for Geologic investigation

Shallow Water
Geophex has produced waterproofed versions of our GEM-2, Gem-3R or GEM-3 Array products for use in shallow

The GEM-2A is our standard airborne instrument. It is a programmable, broadband EM sensor for Geologic investigation
Technology = Performance
Geophex Instruments make use of the latest in electronic technology to provide leading-edge performance:
- Digital frequency synthesis for rock-steady frequency control
- Multi-frequency operation (up to 10 simultaneous frequencies on some models)
- Slope-controlled power output stages for low electromagnetic noise
- Ultra low noise front end with advanced shielding and digital signal
- Processing for the ultimate in sensitivity
- Real-time display of in-phase and quadrature response
- Real-time area painting capability (optional)
- Real-time audible target discrimination (optional)
- Field-trainable target identification (optional)